Beloved community: yoga scholar, teacher trainer and meditative healing program founder Jivan Mukta
Jivan Mukta is a doctor in the study of religions at the University of Helsinki and historian and political scientist at the Gabriela Mistral University. He is the director of the Meditative Healing Program™, the lead teacher trainer and mentor of the Kundalini Yoga Level 1 and 2 in the Kundalini Research Institute and the director of Yoga Lafontaine.
He is also a dear friend and a part of our community, offering annual trainings and courses at the Helsinki Healing Arts Center.
How are you and who are you?
As a man and as a person, I am having a wonderful human experience.. In my heart, there is a deep, unbreakable connection. Our family is blessed, as is our health. In addition, I love what I do! I was born in Chile 45 years ago and have lived in Europe since 25. I spent 15 years in Finland and the rest in Spain. Perhaps I can be described as a traveler. Traveler with a mission of reaching and serving people wherever I go.
What is the energy that conceived your own path as a teacher?
It started with a strong sense of calling and duty. It may not sound very romantic, but I was born with these in my temperament. But one develops and the perception tends to become sharper. Now it is clear to me that God's energy is the key. I have seen in each relevant moment or decision, that I am guided, I am taught and I am healed to trust God within. As they say, “God has mysterious ways” and my journey as a teacher, guide or healer cannot be explained without acknowledging this unfathomable presence.
What is the core of your work and teachings?
It is to experience. A person or group can be led to experience their intimate truth, their power of awareness, and their bliss. It is easy for me to share philosophy, but my goal is more practical: to lead people to the powerful, empowering, visionary, spiritual, healing energies they have and are. Having experienced who we are and what we can do, we know something for sure. There is something fascinating about spiritual experiences and their ability to heal and transform us.
As the creator of Meditative Healing Program, how does meditation intersect healing in this body of work?
In a profound way. In most cases, illnesses are rooted in deep mindsets. Human minds work in this way: they create impressions, imagine scenarios and ultimately believe faulty ideas about reality. This leads to the emergence of a "reality", with its consequent stress and maladies.. Meditation is a simple and ancient method of addressing the psyche. Similarly to how the mind creates somatic illness (which doctors also refer to as idiopathic illness), mental harmony is capable of restoring the body's balance. Here's where meditators come in. When someone meditates and engages with others in a stable meditative manner, they can experience profound releases of emotions and energies in their body and mind. Meditators of this kind can intersect mental and physical phenomena of people and re-establish balance, vitality and healing.
What inspires you in your own healing?
I am amazed by the depth of humanity. Every single person is a unique case. You are a unique case. I am a unique case. It is more evident to me that the more I master my own domain of life and existence, the more I witness the overflow of this healing experience to others. Whenever any one case progresses, humanity as a whole progresses. The pain we suffer and the splendour we experience are interconnected on a personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal level. When I heal you, I heal myself. As well as vice versa. All of us are here to heal something. My purpose in coming here is to share a way in which healing can be accomplished.