Somatic Unwinding is a graceful form of transformative body therapy which utilises the sacred spiral to awaken body wisdom and clear traumatic patterns and the accompanying emotions  in the tissue.

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1:1 Consultation with Kuldip offers a client the ability to understand some of the causes of their dis- ease and feel empowered to take their healing into their own hands. A session may include iridology, visualisations, education, hands on therapy, kundalini practices, detoxification and botanicals recommendations.


Reiki is a natural system of relaxing the body into healing. A gentle application of a practitioners hands on the body triggers a deep healing reflex and initiates release and restoration on a very deep level. 

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IntegratiVE Alignment

The Integrative Alignment process activates a mind-body connection reset allowing a client to enter a more relaxed and creative space. Although this process is applied in less than 10 minutes the effects can be felt for days afterwards.

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Community Care

Pass it forward
healing sessions

Inspired by the caffè sospeso, a Neapolitan tradition and symbol of generosity and grassroots social solidarity, we now introduce: Pass It Forward- healing sessions. Purchase a healing session and pass it forward, anonymously, to someone in need. We wanted to introduce this form of community care, as a way for us to collectively serve and offer support at a low threshold, as we all are going through challenging periods sometimes.

The Pass It Forward -somatic sessions (à 108€) can be purchased in our online shop, and we keep them to the side in our community care pool.

The gifted sessions can be redeemed by emailing us a request at:

* when customers visited a café for coffee, they could also pay in advance for a cup to be given to somebody else — usually someone who otherwise couldn't afford it. A person with limited financial means would have later inquired whether there was a suspended coffee available to be served for free.